Saturday, March 31, 2007

Chapter 5 - The Decline in Espionage

So when was the last time that anybody read a good spy novel ?
I cannot even remember one author who has done anything remotely close to being suspenseful, which is why when I look at the novels popping up at the bookstore where I work (even in the Kids and Teens section of the store), I want to gag.

The worst concept that I read involving espionage was a teen novel where the idea revolved around a school that trains young teenagers into becoming spies, and the main character is falling in love (of course !) with a boy who does not go to the academy. The title - "I'd Tell You I Loved You : But I Would Have To Kill You" - says what she has to deal with.
Just like James Bond did, the espionage novel needs to be re-formatted to today's standards. Creativity should never be discounted - an academy that trains teenagers to be spies is not necessarily bad, but having everything revolving around a love-that-is-destined-not-to-be-type story does not allow what "A Gentleman's Game" should look like.
I think a spy in training is more focused on the events happening around the world and the events that the public doesn't know, rather than trying to figure out if he likes her or not.
Terrorism and arms dealing is something that would be more up her alley rather than making a secret rendezvous with some cute teenager from a "normal" school. (FYI - I had a peek at the book and not once do the characters even involve themselves with the day to day activities of a spy...the author Ally Carter assumes - and she assumes terribly wrong - that all spies do is crack codes, learn martial arts and weapons, and different a little research before writing something you don't know about,'s what every smart author does....), maybe I take it back - a spy about a teenage spy school is a horrible idea....


Better Books That Involve Spies

"Stormbreaker" by Anthony Horowitz
"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" by John LeCarre
"Once And Future Spy" by Robert Littell
"Casino Royale" by Ian Flemming

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