Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Chapter 6

Hello all !

It has definitely been awhile since I contributed anything, so I'm here to give you an update.
The DH script has been written and re-written over and over again with very little progress. I'm still working on it, but trying to get my publishing resume polished and up to speed has been slowing me down. I've been writing a lot of short stories which I am editing now, and will be posting once everything has been looked over.

Also, I have been working on a novel idea which will be heading for DAW Fantasy books within the next two to three months. I have the story planned out as a serial novel, which hopefully will take off. More on that soon enough.

And if you have been keeping up with my site, you'll see that I've added Billy Lane's autobiography on the "Non-Fiction Book That Has My Attention". This is because of my recent interest in choppers.
I have ALWAYS loved bikes, but hadn't really gotten into choppers. Now, I'm really eating them up and reading everything I can get my hands on in terms of motorcycles. Expect a story based on bikes coming up in the near future, as well as a potential project that I might be undertaking soon. More to come.